Economics of Green Building

green economy

In December 2006, the UK government committed that from 2016 all new homes would be ‘zero carbon’. In response to the Government target, the construction and property sector invested heavily in the green build economy. In July 2015 this policy was scrapped, but the investments over nearly a decade have led to continued growth and innovation in the green building economy.


Another example of avoiding expenses in green build designs is the selection of cooling or heating equipment. If a green building design minimizes waste heat through efficient lighting equipment and includes an energy efficient building envelope, the building may require significantly less heating or cooling capacity, eliminating the need for an additional heater or chiller with the result that the project budget is reduced.

A green build construction that uses an integrated approach may result in little or no cost premium when compared to convention building construction, depending on the level of work being completed. The Building Research Establishment (BRE) green building rating system found that those seeking certification compared to a control group of non-green buildings, and normalizing for building function and other major drivers of cost, found no significant difference in average cost for green buildings as compared to non-green buildings.

Green Business Ideas

green business

A green business is one that has no negative impact on the local or global environment, the community, or the economy. A green business will also engage in forward-thinking policies for environmental concerns and policies affecting human rights.

If you are an entrepreneur who wants to tap into the green business market, there are plenty of creative, innovative ideas to consider to fit your skill, interest or profession.

Online Green Business Ideas

An internet business allows you to work flexibly and globally while contributing to the green economy:

Green Business Consultant

Online retailing

Consider sustainable, non-toxic, safe products to sell online. Create your own online marketplace for solar power and wind power products, eco-friendly fashion, organic coffee, green cosmetics or any green products that interest you. You can also advertise your services online, perhaps as an eco-tourism planner, a green marketing expert or organic catering service.

Green Home Business Ideas

If you like to, or need to, work from home, consider these green home business ideas:

Speciality Landscape Designer

If you have some knowledge about sustainable landscape design, offer customers an efficient landscape design for their homes that reduces the need for water or other resources.

You can also help other businesses go green by consulting with them to help them build more sustainable business practices. If you’re or finance person, consider starting an eco-business as a green financial planner, investment advisor, insurance sales, lawyer or micro-financing consultant.